Monday, July 13, 2015

The 9500 Microwave Packet Radio (MPR) is designed with packet technology as its foundation in order to maximize spectrum utilization while reducing the TCO of microwave networks. It addresses all microwave applications with a single product family for all traffic types such as TDM/IP/hybrid.

The 9500 MPR is ideally produced to address the demands of mobile backhaul, energy, transportation, and public sector communications and last-mile service access. Public and private service providers maintain a microwave platform that boosts functionality to their networks. The benefits spread among reducing OPEX, protecting operator investment, enabling backhaul networks, addressing all microwave apps, simplified deployment, and reducing footprint/rack power dissipation.

The 9500 MPR accelerates legacy-to-packet conversion over a common, converged packet network. The Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR handles traffic through packets, nonetheless it fully supports TDM circuits, providing a means to seamlessly migrate to an all-IP infrastructure. It also offers the highest functionality with the smallest footprint, addresses any network topology, and is highly scalable and robust. 


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